Hymn2 "Blind as a Mole"

But Like, How Can You Even Tell?

Let me intrigue you… How can one discern the blinding radiance of truth amidst the cacophony of sensory bombardment? The senses, dear friend, are voracious collectors, snatching up billions of fragments from the tapestry of existence, all at once. Yet, what you grasp, my muse, are but a mere hundred bits—your meager grasp of reality. This, friends, is the choice that shapes the world.

Now, before you tread the winding path, allow me to unveil a revelation. P0) - If thoughts elude your comprehension, know this: you, my dear wanderer, are imprisoned by your own demons. Your journey begins with a conquest of self.

It's not attention you seek, but the profound depth of perception. P1) - The subconscious hunger, a cursory taste, a fleeting glance; it yearns to devour the very essence of the impressions that mold your identity. To lick and spit, my dear traveler, is the trap of mundanity.

Let us tread into the labyrinth of the mind, P2) - cultivate a place where your mindset is a haven of possibility. Extricate parasitic thoughts. You’ll feel light from their absence.

P3) - In the abyss of clarity, the ego looms behind its beady little eyes, casting its gaze upon your existence. Dare to entertain the notion that this "spotlight effect" is nothing but the ego, a separate entity, indulging in self-gratification.

P4) - Knowledge lies not just in the caverns of your psychology but also in the understanding of physiology. To compromise with oneself is to harness the elements of your soul.

And now, dear traveler, lets dive into the sea of emotions.


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“When you ask questions, do you notice hesitation whispering the answers?


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